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Diocese of Shreveport Resources

Other Scripture Learning Opportunities



Scripture Basics
 A two-hour seminar that includes an understanding of the Catholic approach to Scripture, learning how the Bible is God's revelation of Himself, how the Bible is divided, finding verses and praying with Scripture. Participants will experience the Bible with hands-on approaches and leave with tools for guiding others.  This recording is presented by Fr. Pat Madden.

Click here to view  Introduction to the Bible 



The Gospel of Matthew
What would Christmas Season be without the story of the Magi and the Star? These narratives, along with the Annunciation to Joseph of our Savior’s birth, are found only in Matthew. Only in Matthew do we learn of the plans of the wicked King Herod to kill the infant Jesus, and of the flight of the Holy Family to Egypt until the danger is over.

The Office of Catechesis and Greco Institute have prepared a four-part overview of the Gospel of Matthew taught by Fr. Pat Madden. It is designed for catechists, lectors, and other liturgical ministers, deacons and anyone who wants to learn a little bit more about this great spiritual treasure of our faith.

Click here to view The Gospel of Matthew with Father Pat. Madden

Click to view:    *Lecture Notes Part 1      *Lectures Notes Part 2      *Lecture Notes Part 3      *Lecture Notes Part 4


 More Resources from the Diocese of Shreveport
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Recommended by the Diocese of Shreveport

JPaproki HEADER 1100 1   Getting Started as a Catechist

For those who are beginning their ministry as catechists, take advantage of the recorded webinars available from Joe Paprocki—writer of the Catechist’s Toolbox & a National Consultant for Faith Formation at Loyola Press.

There are 4 sixty-minute recorded Webinars tailor-made to your needs:
   -  Getting Started as a Catechist of Primary Age Children
   - Getting Started as a Catechist of Intermediate Age Children
   - Getting Started as a Catechist of Junior High and High School Students
Getting Started as a Catechist of Adults

And, if you are thinking of becoming a catechist or you are recruiting catechists, don’t forget to visit  Becoming a Catechist page which has lots of helpful resources!


  outside da box LOGO  Outside da Box Films

ODB Films is a Catholic ministry that fosters an encounter with Christ through award-winning, artfully made and spiritually rich films.  Short films for young Catholics, feature films for families & direct ministry events for groups.  CLICK for the website.  

CLICK to view the Outside da Box trailer.


vcat logo The Video Catechism 
The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston has developed a series of short videos designed to help effectively reach families) with the richness of the Catholic faith. Each video contains a discussion guide for leaders as well as families. Videos are free and available online.  Click for website.

Relevant:  The videos will use cultural analogies, creativity, humor, and will always try to answer the question, “Why should a teenager care about this?”
Focused on God’s Love:  The beginning of the Catechism states, “The whole concern of doctrine and its teaching must be directed to the love that never ends.”  (CCC 25) Every doctrine is a new way in which God reveals His love for us.  Our videos will strive to focus on that message.
Driven by the Catechism of the Catholic Church:  At the heart of each video will be a point (or points) articulated by the Catechism of the Catholic Church.  Since the language used in the Catechism of the Catholic Church wasn’t written with the intent of communicating the faith to a teenage audience, key points may be paraphrased or re-worded in an effort to make it more understandable.

Take a peek at this dynamic video resource that brings the Catechism of the Catholic Church to our young people in a relevant, compelling, and entertaining way.  CLICK to view the VCAT Trailer  

Mission Statement

SPCCbellt 1198w10Centered on the Gospel of the Lord, we West Ouachita Catholics are a community committed to being  a positive and life-giving presence to one another and to our world - a presence witnessed by our vibrant worship, our deep love for the poor, our heartfelt concern for the spiritual growth  of Catholics of all ages,  and our cordial welcome of everyone  we meet.  We are further committed to help each church member discover and develop their God-given talents for ministry,  in the imitation of Jesus Christ.