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childrens Rel EdReligious education is so important for our children. The responsibility lies with the parents. Parents are the primary educators of their children. However, the Church supports, educates and helps parents with the task of handing on the faith to their children 
 Registration Required for ALL Classes.
to Contact Kathy Wallace for registration after August 
Ages: Pre-Kindergarten through the 8th grade.      Location: St. Paschal School 
When:  Sundays 10:15 - 11:15 AM September through May


    Must be completed before receiving the sacraments

     Ages: Second grade & older      Location: St. Paschal School 
     When:  January and April - each year 


     Ages: 7th grade & older      Location:  St. Paschal School
Two-year program must be completed to be confirmed
     Classes:  Begin in September - each year
August - after all the Masses

    • Registration Forms Online CLICK to view
    • Class Schedule coming soon


  RCIA-adp-children Order of Christian Initiation for Children

       Ages: 7 years or older and have not been baptized
       Classes: Sundays 3:00 - 4:00 PM
       Location: St. Paschal Church Office
     Click to Contact Kathy Wallace for Information & Registration 


religious education   Questions about these programs
Click to Contact Kathy Wallace

Mission Statement

SPCCbellt 1198w10Centered on the Gospel of the Lord, we West Ouachita Catholics are a community committed to being  a positive and life-giving presence to one another and to our world - a presence witnessed by our vibrant worship, our deep love for the poor, our heartfelt concern for the spiritual growth  of Catholics of all ages,  and our cordial welcome of everyone  we meet.  We are further committed to help each church member discover and develop their God-given talents for ministry,  in the imitation of Jesus Christ.