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St. Paschal’s Stewardship Committee has initiated the development of a Library and Resource Service. This service will provide materials (audio tapes, CD's, books, visual media and online resources) for those parishioners choosing to further their faith journey. Plans are to continue to add to this collection so check back to look for new materials,

The materials are listed by title, author & subject. The lists are available online (CLICK to view) and also paper copies in green binders at the church exits.

If you see a title that you would like to borrow, note the Catalog Number and Book TitleResource Center Ad W5

We will have it ready for you to pick up on the next Sunday. It will be in the back of the church in a brown bag with your name.

You can also visit the library located in the SPCC School Building.  It is near the parking lot entrance third door on the right.  Look for the Library Sign.

Mission Statement

SPCCbellt 1198w10Centered on the Gospel of the Lord, we West Ouachita Catholics are a community committed to being  a positive and life-giving presence to one another and to our world - a presence witnessed by our vibrant worship, our deep love for the poor, our heartfelt concern for the spiritual growth  of Catholics of all ages,  and our cordial welcome of everyone  we meet.  We are further committed to help each church member discover and develop their God-given talents for ministry,  in the imitation of Jesus Christ.