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St. Paschal’s Stewardship Committee has initiated the development of a Library and Resource Service.  This service will provide materials (audio tapes, CD's, books,  visual media and online resources) for those parishioners choosing to further their faith journey.  Plans are to continue to add to this collection so check back to look for new materials.SPCC books cds dvds more

If you see a title that you would like to borrow, note the Catalog Number and Book Title    

We will have it ready to pick up on the next Sunday. It will be in the back of the church in a brown bag with your name.

Copies of this catalog can be printed from this website or paper copies are available at the church Exits.


Following is a list of resources sorted by TITLE.

Stillness Speaks Tolle, E. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 1
Spirituality …. Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 2
Men and Power Rohr, R. Men AUDIO DISC 3
Religion 1 Great Courses History AUDIO DISC 4
The Power of Intention Dyer, w Spirituality AUDIO DISC 5
Contemplative Prayer Merton, T. Prayer AUDIO DISC 6
Enneagram Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 7
Emerging Church Rohr, R. Church AUDIO DISC 8
Creating Christian Community Rohr, R. Church AUDIO DISC 9
Frances… Rohr, R. Saints AUDIO DISC 10
The Odyssey:… Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 11
Living a Life of Inner Peace Tolle, E. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 12
Practicing The Power of Now Tolle, E. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 13
Intro. To the study of Religion II Great Courses History AUDIO DISC 14
First Things First Covey, S. Other AUDIO DISC 15
Secrets of the power of Intention Dyer, w Contemplative AUDIO DISC 16
The Power of Intention Dyer, w Spirituality AUDIO DISC 17
How Do We Breathe Under… Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 18
The Art of Letting Go Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 19
The Path of Descent Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 20
Reaching Out to Today's Culture Barron, R. Social Teaching AUDIO DISC 21
Men and Grief Rohr, R. Men AUDIO DISC 22
a New Way of Seeing… Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 23
Men Matter:A quest for… Rohr, R. Men AUDIO DISC 24
Rosary-joyful mysteries www.spreadtherosary.com Prayer AUDIO DISC 25
Walking on Water Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 26
The Little Way… Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 27
Getting in the Gap Dyer, w Spirituality AUDIO DISC 28
COJO-Going Forth Kauffman, D. Prayer AUDIO DISC 29
How Men Change… Rohr, R. Men AUDIO DISC 30
The Body and Blood of Christ Hahn, S. Prayer AUDIO DISC 31
The Rosary and Divine Mercy … Mary Foundation Prayer AUDIO DISC 32
Responsibilities of the … Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 33
Levels of Spiritual Growth Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 34
What is the Emerging Church Rohr, R. Church AUDIO DISC 35
Mentoring Rohr, R. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 36
The Rosary- A prayer… www.spreadtherosary.com Prayer AUDIO DISC 37
On The Threshold of … Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 38
Coming Home to your… Hasse, A. Spirituality Book 39
From Wild Man to Wise Man Rohr, R. Men Book 40
Living the Lord's Prayer Hasse, A. Prayer Book 41
Enkindled Hasse, A. Prayer Book 42
Life and Holiness Merton, T. Spirituality Book 43
A New kind of Christian McLaren, B Spirituality Book 44
Return… Vogt, B. Prayer Book 45
The Joy of Y'at Catholicism Higginsr, E. Church Book 46
The Holy Longing Rolheiser, R. Spirituality Book 47
The Catholic Prayer Book Buckley, M. Prayer Book 48
Grace … Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 49
Things Hidden Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 50
Rediscover Jesus Matthew Kelly Spirituality Book 51
Addiction & Grace May, G. Spirituality Book 52
A New Earth … Tolle, E. Spirituality Book 53
Soul Brothers Rohr, R. Men Book 55
Transformation CAC Spirituality Book 56
Hope Against Darkness Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 57
Spiritual Solution… Dyer, w Spirituality Book 58
The Quiet Answer Pather, H. Prayer Book 59
The Divine Dance Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 60
The Power Of Now Tolle, E. Spirituality Book 61
The Naked Now Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 62
The Heart of the Enlighten de Mello, A. Spirituality Book 63
Wellsprings … de Mello, A. Spirituality Book 64
Reaching Out Nouwen, H. Spirituality Book 65
The Way To Love de Mello, A. Spirituality Book 66
Seeds Merton, T. Prayer Book 67
Questions of Value part1 Teaching Company-The Social Teaching AUDIO DISC 68
Questions of Value part2 Teaching Company-The Social Teaching AUDIO DISC 69
Francis of Assisi Teaching Company-The Saints AUDIO DISC 70
The One Year… Tyndale Prayer Book 71
International Migration.. Koser, K. Social Teaching Book 72
Merton's palace of nowhere Finley, J. Prayer Book 73
Generous Justice Keller, T. Social Teaching Book 74
The Challenge and … Mich, M. Social Teaching Book 75
Credible Signs of Christ Alive Hogan, J. Social Teaching Book 76
Solidarity will … Korgen, J. Social Teaching Book 77
Amazing Grace Kozol, J. Social Teaching Book 78
Jesus Today Nolan, A. Social Teaching Book 79
Beyond Tolerance Niebuhr, G. Social Teaching Book 80
The Sword… Lamb, J. Social Teaching Book 81
Rising to Common Ground Collum, C. Social Teaching Book 82
Embracing the World Vennard, J. Social Teaching Book 83
Faith and Violence Merton, T. Social Teaching Book 84
Globalization,… Groody, D. Social Teaching Book 85
Nuevo Testamento Scripture Book 86
Not for Sale Batstone, C Social Teaching Book 87
The Masculine Spirit Oliva, M. Men Book 88
Swallowed by a Snake…. Golden, T. Social Teaching Book 89
A Promised Land….. Groody, D. Social Teaching Book 90
Doing the truth in Love Himes, M. Spirituality Book 91
Cloud of Witnesses Wallis, J. Social Teaching Book 92
Bicycles Giovanni, N. Other Book 93
The Power of Intention Dyer, w Spirituality Book 94
Getting in the Gap Dyer, w Spirituality Book 95
Our Hearts Still Sing Millar, P. Social Teaching Book 96
Modern Spiritual Masters Ellsberg, R. Saints Book 97
The Enneagram Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 98
The Bible's…. Chambers. B. Scripture Book 99
The Good and Beautiful God Smith, J. Spirituality Book 100
The Acts of the Apostles Hamm, D. Scripture Book 101
Your Whole Life Showalter, C. Spirituality Book 102
Catching Fire …. Hasse, A. Spirituality Book 103
Coming Down the Mountain Hart, T. Spirituality Book 104
The Great Emergence P. Tickle, P. Church Book 105
The Promise of Paradox Palmer, P. Spirituality Book 106
The Ladder of the Beatitudes Frost, J. Prayer Book 107
Pearls of Peace… Prayer Book 108
Spanish and English Dictionary Vox Other Book 109
The Story of Ruth… Chittister, J. Scripture Book 110
Guideposts for Growing Up Parents Book 111
Every Man Heart Lay Down Men Book 112
Apples of Gold Scripture Book 113
My First Holy Communion Scarament Book 114
Pope PiusXII Van Hoek, K. History Book 115
The Cheerful Warrior Men Book 116
The Conscience Game Daughters of St. Paul Spirituality Book 117
God's Secret Agent Daughters of St. Paul Prayer Book 118
Beyond Tuesday Morning Kingsbury, K. Social Teaching Book 119
Left Behind La Haye, T. & J. Jenkins Social Teaching Book 120
Cure for the Common Life Lucado, M. Spirituality Book 121
Isaiah Saints Book 122
Luke Patella, M Saints Book 123
The Acts of the Apostles Scripture Book 124
Matthew Reid, B. Saints Book 125
Accept No Mediocre Life Foster, D. Social Teaching Book 126
Diabolica lor Psychological Acosta, A. Other Book 127
Jesus Christ Heals Fillmore, C. Scripture Book 128
Saying Yes Hasse, A. Spirituality Book 129
Liturgies for Children Jamison, A. Children Book 130
Symbols in Prayer Elmer, D. Prayer Book 131
Prepare for the Tribulation.. Leary, J. Spirituality Book 132
To The Priests Church Book 133
Never Let Go Owen, M. Social Teaching Book 134
Moments Together … Rainey, D. Prayer Book 135
In His Eyes Feinberg, M. Scripture Book 136
Keeping Faith Picoult, J. Spirituality Book 137
Mary…. Welborn, A. Saints Book 138
The Last Time They Met Shreve, A. History Book 139
Prayer, Fasting and … Perrotta, K. Prayer Book 140
When God Doesn't Make… Dobson, J. Spirituality Book 141
Having a Mary Heart…. Weaver, J. Spirituality Book 142
Encouraging Words… Sala, D. Prayer Book 143
Breakfast with Billy Graham Graham, B. Other Book 144
Miracles Do Happen Mc Kenna, B. Other Book 145
Daily in Your Presence… Jordan, A. Prayer Book 146
Transfiguration Dear, J. Scripture Book 147
All The Women of the Bible del Mastro, M. Women Book 148
Beautiful Mercy Pope Francis,… Scarament Book 149
Shelter From the Storm Salesian Collection Prayer Book 150
Intimacy With God Keating, T. Prayer Book 151
The Selfless Way of Christ Nouwen, H. Spirituality Book 152
Rome Sweet Home… Hahn, S. Spirituality Book 153
7 Secrets of Confession Flynn, V. Scarament Book 154
Through The Year … Edmisten, K. Prayer Book 155
John Paul II… Galazka, G. Church Book 156
Inside the Vatican Mcdowell, K. Church Book 157
Through the Ages History Book 158
Churches Dupre, J. Church Book 159
The Gospel of John Guideposts Scripture Book 160
The Chants of Mary Prayer AUDIO DISC 161
The Birth of Jesus Talbot, J. Scripture AUDIO DISC 162
Power in Prayer Gabrial, M. Prayer AUDIO DISC 163
Rosary for Vocations Carlson, Bishop Prayer AUDIO DISC 164
Christmas At Ephesus Scripture AUDIO DISC 165
7 Steps to praying better… R. Fragomeni Prayer AUDIO DISC 166
The Four Signs of … Kelly, M. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 167
Common Ground Angotti, J. Social Teaching AUDIO DISC 168
Songs& Prayers from Taize Prayer AUDIO DISC 169
St. Paschal's RCIA 2006 Church AUDIO DISC 170
Joy on Earth Taize Other AUDIO DISC 171
Altered Worship Spirituality AUDIO DISC 172
Lisa Lee Other AUDIO DISC 173
Dominican Praise Prayer AUDIO DISC 174
Testify Angotti, J. Prayer AUDIO DISC 175
The Irish Rovers Other Music Disc 176
Hymns from the bayou Other Music Disc 177
Circle of friends Point of Grace Other Music Disc 178
Family Christmas Favorites Other Music Disc 179
Mary: Handmaid of the Lord Lighthouse Spirituality AUDIO DISC 180
Missions,… Other Video Disc 181
Triumph of the Cross,… Scripture AUDIO DISC 182
A Franciscan retreat Crosby, OFM, M. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 183
The Reformation Bellitto,Ph.D., C. Church AUDIO DISC 184
Henri Nouwen: A Spirituality Higgins, Ph. D., M. Spirituality AUDIO DISC 185
St. Francis: Gift…. Smiech, O.F.M., Fr. C. Saints AUDIO DISC 186
Catholic Social Teaching Pennnock, M. Social Teaching Book 187
The Catholic Church Koch ,FSC, C. Church Book 188
Reading God's Word Scripture Book 189
Introduction to Spirituality Bouyer, L. Spirituality Book 190
Open Mind Open Heart Keating, T. Prayer Book 191
The Parish of the Next Mill.. Bausch, W. Church Book 192
Who told you that you … Raub, J. Spirituality Book 193
The Galilean Jewishness … Lee, S.M., B Scripture Book 194
Wash each other's Feet Amonon, T. & Fr. G. White Scripture Book 195
Compassion Nouwen, H. Spirituality Book 196
Social Analysis Holland, J. Social Teaching Book 197
The Gospel Matthew Harrington, D. Scripture Book 198
Pastoral Foundations … Klein, G. Church Book 199
Distinctively Catholic Donovan, D. Church Book 200
Modern Liturgy…... N. Wagner Scripture Book 201
Jesus the Christ Zanig, T. Spirituality Book 202
Habits of the Heart Bellab, R. Spirituality Book 203
The Holy Sacrifice … Scarament Book 204
Transforming the Parish Forster, P. ,…. Church Book 205
Manifestations of Grace Dreyer, E. Spirituality Book 206
Salt, Leaven and Light … Sanks, H. Scripture Book 207
Called to Parish Ministry Dues, G. Church Book 208
The Writings of St. Francis Fahy, O.F. M., B. Saints Book 209
Re-Imagining Evangelization Brennan, P. Church Book 210
Ministry in the Church Brennan, P. Church Book 211
Jesus before Christianity Nolan, A. Scripture Book 212
The Powers That Be Wink, W. Social Teaching Book 213
Praying the Names of God Spangler, A. Prayer Book 214
Inner Journey Foster, Y.M. Prayer Book 215
Can You Drink the Cup Nouwen, H. Spirituality Book 216
Bible Readings for Women Klug, L. Women Book 217
Freedom and Forgiveness Farren, Fr. P. Prayer Book 218
The Emergent Christ Delio, I. Church Book 219
What is the point of being … Radcliffe, O.P., T. Church Book 220
Woman Un- Bent Zimmerman, I. Women Book 221
Taking up the Cross Reid, B. Spirituality Book 222
A Guide to the Passion Scripture Book 223
The Catholic Revolution Greeley, A. History Book 224
Easter Vigil& other Poems Wojtyla, K. Scarament Book 225
Open the Door Rupp, J. Spirituality Book 226
Spiritual Direction & …. Merton, T. Spirituality Book 227
Please Understand Me … Keirsey & M. Bates, D. Church Book 228
The Learning Congregation Hawkins, T. Church Book 229
The Promise of Partnership Whitehead, J. & Whitehead, E. Scarament Book 230
Reflections peace pray Hasse, A. Prayer Book 231
Unspeakable Truths Hayner, P. Spirituality Book 232
Generations together Amidei, K. Social Teaching Book 233
Portrait of Mary Grimes, N. Saints Book 234
Becoming Adult… Fowler, J. Social Teaching Book 235
Introduction to the bible Binz, S. Scripture Book 236
New Ecclesial Ministry Fox, Z. Scarament Book 237
Contemporary Christian … Sparks, R. Church Book 238
Compassionate Ministry Stone, B. Social Teaching Book 239
Original Sin Wiley, T. Scarament Book 240
Adam's Return Rohr, R. Men Book 241
Parish Liturgy R. Duggan Church Book 242
Towards an Adult Church Regan, J. Church Book 243
Reconstructing Catholicism R. Ludwig Church Book 244
The Heart of Christianity Borg, M Doctrine Book 245
Nickel and Dimed Ehrenreich, B. Social Teaching Book 246
Christian Ethics Caron, J. Social Teaching Book 247
Consider Jesus Johnsonr, E. History Book 248
Christ the King… Carroll, A. History Book 249
Rachel and Her Children… Kozol, J. Scripture Book 250
Weekday Missal Volume 1 Prayer Book 251
Weekday Missal Volume II Prayer Book 252
Sunday Missal Prayer Book 253
The Missal O' Connell, J. Prayer Book 254
The Life of Christ O' Connell, J. Scripture Book 255
The Prayer Book O' Connell, J. Prayer Book 256
Forty Dreams of St. J Bosco Bosco, St. John Saints Book 257
Jesus of Nazareth Pope Benedict XVI Scripture Book 258
Daily Meditations … Winkler, Rev Jude, OFM Prayer Book 259
The Holy Mass Scarament Book 260
The Pocket Gospels… Prayer Book 261
Voices of Silence Bianco, F. Prayer Book 262
Collaboration Sofield, S. T., L Prayer Book 263
Inter generational Faith…. Martineau, M. Church Book 264
St. Michael and the Angels Saints Book 265
The Blessed Eucharist Muller, Fr. M., C.S. S. R. Scarament Book 266
The Secret of the Rosary De Montfort, St. L. Prayer Book 267
Divine Mysteries of the … Prayer Book 268
The Psalms of David Freemantle, J. Scripture Book 269
Bible Meditations… Kersten, S.V. D., J. Prayer Book 270
Introduction to the Order.. Church Book 271
Open the Door Rupp, J. Prayer Book 272
Faith Facts… Suprenant,Jr. L Church Book 273
The Final Hour M.Brown Scarament Book 274
Jesus is Lord Zanzig, T. Scripture Book 275
The Cup of our Life Rupp, J. Prayer Book 276
Parish R. Keeler Church Book 277
Immortal Diamond Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 278
Same kind of different as me Hall Social Teaching Book 279
Awareness de Mello, A. Spirituality Book 280
Word and Worship… Birmingham,M. Prayer Book 281
Distinctively Catholic Donovan, D. Church Book 282
Pope Francis in America Church Book 283
Oliver Cromwell River,C. Other Book 284
The Diary of a Country Priest Bernanos, G. Church Book 285
Rediscover Catholicism Kelly, M. Church Book 286
Jesus of Nazareth Ratzinger,J. Scripture Book 287
The Prayers of Pope John Paul II Thigpen,P. Prayer Book 288
Four Witnesses Bennett,R. Prayer Book 289
Abba's Child Manning, B. Social Teaching Book 290
Opening to God Green,T. Prayer Book 291
Lord of the World Benson, R. History Book 292
The Light of Faith Pope Francis,… Prayer Book 293
Michelangelo & the Pope's Ceiling King, R. Church Book 294
History of the Catholic Church Hitchcock, J. History Book 295
The Holy Trinity… Bourgeault,C. Spirituality Book 296
The Betrothed Manzoni, A. Saints Book 297
Triumph … Crocker, H. Spirituality Book 298
When the well runs dry Green,T. Prayer Book 299
Pastoral Constitution… Church Book 300
Edmund Campion Waugh, E. Other Book 301
A risen Christ In Eastertime Brown, R. Scarament Book 302
Chosen Steichen, D. Saints Book 303
Streams of contentment Wicks, R. Prayer Book 304
The Challenge of Living Canine, J. Spirituality Book 305
The Joy of the Gospel Pope Francis,… Scripture Book 306
Radical Grace Rohr, R. Spirituality Book 307

10/24/2018 updated

Mission Statement

SPCCbellt 1198w10Centered on the Gospel of the Lord, we West Ouachita Catholics are a community committed to being  a positive and life-giving presence to one another and to our world - a presence witnessed by our vibrant worship, our deep love for the poor, our heartfelt concern for the spiritual growth  of Catholics of all ages,  and our cordial welcome of everyone  we meet.  We are further committed to help each church member discover and develop their God-given talents for ministry,  in the imitation of Jesus Christ.